Virtual Communion

Sabbath, January 30, 2021 at 6pm, we will have our second virtual communion service! With our church still closed due to Covid-19, we still want to experience the joy, humility, and victory of remembering Christ’s broken body and spilt blood. You will be able to participate in the program through the livestream of the church. Some of the options that will allow you to access the livestream can be found below:
Virtual Communion LIVE Feed
Click Here to view on Facebook
Preparation Needed
This Communion Service will take a little extra preparation on your part. Below you will find a suggested list of items:
- Ask the Lord to prepare your heart and ask for His forgiveness
- Seek to forgive anyone who has wronged you, and make peace with anyone you have wronged
- Prepare a table or place for the emblems before our worship service begins. Two options are available:
- Option 1: Our deaconesses will prepare communion bread and prepackage it. They will also provide prepackaged communion wine. You may pick up your prepackaged communion items from the church on communion service day for each eligible* member of your household.
Pick Up Times and Instructions
Sabbath, January 30, 2021, from 9 am - 2 pm.To help prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, prepackaged communion items will be distributed via a drive-through. Upon arrival, a member of our deaconry will provide your prepackaged communion items. We ask that you please not exit your vehicle.
- Option 2: Obtain your own grape juice and unleavened bread**. You can purchase Matzo bread and pure grape juice from the grocery store. You can also prepare your own unleavened bread. A recipe can be found further down on this page.
- On Sabbath afternoon, set out your bread and juice on a special table, so you are ready to participate during our 6pm communion service. There will be testimonies that will be shared and a time for you to wash your family members’ feet during the service just as Jesus set the example of humility in the Upper Room.
- Also consider reading The Desire of Ages, Chapter 72 [In Remembrance of Me] for your Friday evening worship. You can also find the selection online:
“As we receive the bread and wine symbolizing Christ’s broken body and spilled blood, we in imagination join in the scene of Communion in the upper chamber. We seem to be passing through the garden consecrated by the agony of Him who bore the sins of the world. We witness the struggle by which our reconciliation with God was obtained. Christ is set forth crucified among us.”
DA 661.1
May the Lord bless you, your family and our church family as we prepare for this special virtual communion service!
Unleavened Bread Recipe:
1 cup fine ground flour [preferably whole grain]
¼ teaspoon salt [optional]
2 tablespoons cold water
¼ cup olive or vegetable oil
Method: Sift flour and salt together. Pour the water into the oil, but do not stir. Add this to the dry ingredients and mix with a fork until all the flour is dampened. Roll out to a thickness of approximately 1/8 inch or 3 mm. Place on an ungreased, floured baking sheet, and score into bite-size squares. Bake at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Watch carefully during the last few minutes to avoid burning the bread. Serves 50 persons. (The recipe may be halved as needed)
* eligible – The [Seventh-day Adventist] Church practices open communion. All who have committed their lives to the Savior may participate. Children learn the significance of the service by observing others participating. After receiving formal instruction in baptismal classes and making their commitment to Jesus in baptism, they are thereby prepared to partake in the service themselves. – Seventh-day Adventist church Manual: 19th Edition Revised 2015 pg. 126
** unleavened bread – Neither the wine nor the bread contained elements of fermentation because on the evening of the first day of the Hebrew Passover all leaven, or fermentation, had been removed from their dwellings (Ex. 12:15, 19; 13:7). Therefore, only unfermented grape juice and unleavened bread are appropriate for use in the communion service, and great care must be exercised in providing these elements. – Seventh-day Adventist church Manual: 19th Edition Revised 2015 pg. 124