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Step Up to Wellness ARCHIVE

Sabbath School Lesson 10: Bible As History

by Michael Stephenson | June 6, 2020

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Theme: Examination of the historical accuracy of the Bible.

Title: Bible As History

Host: Michael Stephenson

Panel: Dion Walden

Pastor's Line: Pastor Andrew-Craig Nugent

Key text:

Date: June 6, 2020

Tags: #psdatv #SabbathSchool #Bible #history #Babylon #Assyria #army #angel #archaeology

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  • Michael Stephenson

    Michael Stephenson was born in Jamaica and lived in the British Virgin Islands before settling in the USA. He has served in various ministries in Plantation SDA church ever since he returned to the path that Jesus was calling him to 20 years ago.

    Although he now serves as Plantation’s Mission Council chair he believes in ministry where essentially anyone can be a servant and there are opportunities at all levels of the organization for the Spirits giftedness to operate.

    He is a strong advocate for Bible exploration with a sensitivity to contemporary applications – experiencing and living the word so that it can be believed in our culture and sphere of influence. This being a core foundation of our mandate and purpose in Christ.

    Michael is married to Janice and they are blessed with 2 sons: Michael Jr. and Matthew. He is a Technology Consultant who spends too much time working but takes it as an opportunity to represent Christ to the unchurched in very real, practical ways. When he's not working, he enjoys amateur photography. A surprising fact about Michael is that he was the smallest kid in the entire high school until Grade 9.